“Project Hands of Hope” is a series of documentaries (a total of 6) being produced by independent film maker J. Zadoria in Hong Kong detailing the stories of volunteers who were instrumental in providing much needed humanitarian aid to poor disadvantaged people during the COVID-19 outbreak as well as individual peoples unique stories. The films focus is not only on individual stories as ordinary people of faith and how they confront their struggles and adversities to make ends meet in challenging times, but also the many social issues that are pervasive to Hong Kong’s culture that normally the rest of the world would rarely see.
The goal of the project is not only inspire others to become active in humanitarian causes by volunteering their time, but to bring awareness to the issues being covered, as well as raising Financial aide to the many NGO’s involved with such initiatives to provide services to the needy where Government resources are extremely limited and fall short in addressing much needed assistance.
The stories themselves are compelling ones, ones in which depict the silent strength of the human spirit to overcome obstacles, provide meditations of inspiration and to show a positive side of humanity where love and kindness are not only exemplified but display in thoughtful terms what giving selflessly really means.